Science Class
At Flynn’s science class, there are lots of things to do
At Flynn’s science class, there are lots of things to do
Exploring fluid dynamics
Exploring fluid dynamics
Building binoculars…
Building binoculars…
…out of toilet paper tubes
…out of toilet paper tubes
The classes take place at this barn at Robinswood Park
The classes take place at this barn at Robinswood Park
Debra and Innaias hanging out with Flynn while he works on his project
Debra and Innaias hanging out with Flynn while he works on his project
The interior of the barn
The interior of the barn
I think it’s some kind of report
I think it’s some kind of report
Smiling as usual
Smiling as usual
Getting things straight
Getting things straight
Innaias enjoyed crawling on the lawn
Innaias enjoyed crawling on the lawn
Song time
Song time
After class, we headed to the playground nearby
After class, we headed to the playground nearby
Innaias really loved this big twirling cup
Innaias really loved this big twirling cup
Flynn and Guinness did a lot of climbing
Flynn and Guinness did a lot of climbing